onsdag den 24. oktober 2007

Day 3 in Miracle Extreme Education Programme

Book 1: 'Expert Oracle Database Architecture' by Tom Kyte.

Just had the much anticipated status meeting with Mogens, where we discussed my views of the programme so far.

My primary point were:
I felt the programme was missing oportunities to discuss the homework after reading it.
Kind of a 'Teacher function' who could go through the chapters, ensuring that the students didn´t misunderstand or even understand the stuff all together. Of course I can always ask my fellow colleagues. They have all been very supportive of me. Thank you guys!
But I think it needs to be in a more structured way. Preschedulled two days ahead and so on.

That way you need to commit yourself even more to these sessions.

An intro to the chapters, just before reading them, would also give a lot of benefit.

The first day, Mogens introduced chapter 1. This made it a whole lot easier to read the text, since I already knew a little bit about what it was about. It certaintly helped me a lot.

Mogens agreed with me, and now the changes will be implemented.

Michael Möller, who has helped me several times already, has agreed to take the role of the 'Teacher function'. I couldn´t have wished for a better teacher.
Not only is Michael an 'Oracle Certified Master', credited as Technical Reviewer on the book but is on the same time a very experienced teacher of Oracle. I´m very happy to have Michael on my side in this project. :-)

The next three days will be spent on reading chapter 3 - 5. I´ll be back with comments as I plough my way through the pages.

2 kommentarer:

CJ sagde ...


I would suggest to post questions, observations and opinions in this space also. I'm sure you will get valuable feedback from all over the world (planet, to speak with one of the authors on your list), and it will add value to this space too! We're with you.

Good luck with the next chapters.

Moans Nogood sagde ...

And don't forget to check for comments on my blog wedonotuseblogs.blogspot.com because a few comments and suggestions have been left there for you, Jan.
