onsdag den 31. oktober 2007

Day 6-8 in Miracle Extreme Education Programme

Book 1: 'Expert Oracle Database Architecture' by Tom Kyte.

Sorry I haven´t updated for a while. I am sick at the moment, so all my reading, for the time being, is done from bed. Thank God for WLAN and laptops :-)
The plan now is to read chapter 8 and 9 before friday.

Today I had a small session with Michael Möller. We went through chapter 6 and 7 and finished of with a small intro of Redo & Undo. After the session, I went back home to bed.

By the way, the new setup; small sessions with Michael Möller, before and after reading a chapter, is working very well. I can ask questions or ask him to go through pages or examples in the book. It gives me a lot.
My biggest problem remains to be the SQL. So I have decided to focus a lot on that in the next couple of weekends. I have gotten to the point where I, very slowly, can work my way through small and mid-size examples. But I don´t have it 'under the skin' yet, meaning that, if I am to do even the easiest little exercise on my own (without a specific To Do list), I feel like 'Bambi trying to skate on Ice'.
So any comments in how to achieve working skills in SQL in 'no time' and how to approach learning it, are more than welcome. :-)

fredag den 26. oktober 2007

Day 4-5 in Miracle Extreme Education Programme

Book 1: 'Expert Oracle Database Architecture' by Tom Kyte.

The last two days, I´ve spent reading chapter 3-5. Under normal circumstances I should´nt have finished these chapters before monday, but since Michael Möller isn´t available on monday to go through the stuff with me, I decided to speed up a little bit and go through the stuff today with Michael.
The chapter about memory structures, especially the part regarding PGA and UGA, was a bit confusing. Well, actually it was very confusing. I hope that Michael can do his magic today and make me understand this better. :-)

I have seen all the comments on both this and on Mogens´ blog and I appreciate them very much.
I will try to get the time to update my profile, so you can all see a little bit about my background, but the short story is, that I have no experience, what so ever, in Oracle. I have been working with support and process optimization but not in regards to Oracle.

onsdag den 24. oktober 2007

Day 3 in Miracle Extreme Education Programme

Book 1: 'Expert Oracle Database Architecture' by Tom Kyte.

Just had the much anticipated status meeting with Mogens, where we discussed my views of the programme so far.

My primary point were:
I felt the programme was missing oportunities to discuss the homework after reading it.
Kind of a 'Teacher function' who could go through the chapters, ensuring that the students didn´t misunderstand or even understand the stuff all together. Of course I can always ask my fellow colleagues. They have all been very supportive of me. Thank you guys!
But I think it needs to be in a more structured way. Preschedulled two days ahead and so on.

That way you need to commit yourself even more to these sessions.

An intro to the chapters, just before reading them, would also give a lot of benefit.

The first day, Mogens introduced chapter 1. This made it a whole lot easier to read the text, since I already knew a little bit about what it was about. It certaintly helped me a lot.

Mogens agreed with me, and now the changes will be implemented.

Michael Möller, who has helped me several times already, has agreed to take the role of the 'Teacher function'. I couldn´t have wished for a better teacher.
Not only is Michael an 'Oracle Certified Master', credited as Technical Reviewer on the book but is on the same time a very experienced teacher of Oracle. I´m very happy to have Michael on my side in this project. :-)

The next three days will be spent on reading chapter 3 - 5. I´ll be back with comments as I plough my way through the pages.

tirsdag den 23. oktober 2007

Day 2 in Miracle Extreme Education Programme

Book 1: 'Expert Oracle Database Architecture' by Tom Kyte.

I got through the first chapter last night. The text was fairly easy to understand.
Mr. Kyte is very good at getting his points across, by implementing real life examples. I like that :-)

However, the SQL is very hard for me to understand, due to my lack of knowledge of this language. Especially I had dificulties on page 20, where he also uses PL/SQL, which is even harder for me to grasp.

We have had a very busy day at the office today, therefore I didn´t get a chance to talk to Mogens about my experiences, but I will tomorrow.

Since this is all very new to me, and since I´m the first one to try out this education, I find it very important to make sure that all the pro´s and con´s are debated with Mogens. Maybe the education plan is not perfect, maybe the books should come in a different order, maybe it should be '120 days in Hell' instead of 90 etc. etc. Time will tell...

Anyway, I have just finished chapter 2 (todays homework).
Luckily, chapter 2 is a very short one, more like an introduction to chapter 3 - 5. This gives me a little time to read up a little bit more on the SQL language, which is starting to make a little sense (at least the basic part of it).

By the way, thank you all for your comments!

mandag den 22. oktober 2007

Day 1 in Miracle Extreme Education Programme

Book 1: 'Expert Oracle Database Architecture' by Tom Kyte.

I spent the last few days going through the foreword and doing the setup of the environment.
Suffered a bit due to my lack of basic knowledge in SQL and SQLplus, but it turned out OK.

One thing puzzled me a bit, though: On page XXXV, you are supposed to use a table called 'big_table', but it doesn´t exist. Later on, it turns out that it´s described further on in the book (on page XLII) how to create the table. It took some time to figure that out!

Luckily I had great help in my colleague from Miracle, Jesper Lykke Thomsen, who has been an invaluable ressource for me. Jesper will probably get very tired of all my questions during the next few months. :-)

Today, I will start the Miracle Extreme Education Programme (MEEP), by reading chapter one of the book mentioned above. On the fly, I will try to catch up on some basic SQL. Learning the most common statements etc.