mandag den 22. oktober 2007

Day 1 in Miracle Extreme Education Programme

Book 1: 'Expert Oracle Database Architecture' by Tom Kyte.

I spent the last few days going through the foreword and doing the setup of the environment.
Suffered a bit due to my lack of basic knowledge in SQL and SQLplus, but it turned out OK.

One thing puzzled me a bit, though: On page XXXV, you are supposed to use a table called 'big_table', but it doesn´t exist. Later on, it turns out that it´s described further on in the book (on page XLII) how to create the table. It took some time to figure that out!

Luckily I had great help in my colleague from Miracle, Jesper Lykke Thomsen, who has been an invaluable ressource for me. Jesper will probably get very tired of all my questions during the next few months. :-)

Today, I will start the Miracle Extreme Education Programme (MEEP), by reading chapter one of the book mentioned above. On the fly, I will try to catch up on some basic SQL. Learning the most common statements etc.

6 kommentarer:

Henrik Bjerknæs Rasmussen sagde ...

Hej Jan,

Glæder mig du allerede bruger netværket. Det er nok det stærkeste aktiv vi har her i Miracle. Bliv ved med det :)

Msquare sagde ...

What about asking one of the technical reviewers of the tom Kyte book (hint, hint ! Cough, cough :-) )

Niall sagde ...

surely the tech reviewer should have caught that big_table was used before it was declared :)

CJ sagde ...

That's what I always hate, whether in books, articles or programs: Forward references. Probably that's why I like 'C' so much.....

BTW, 90 days in Hell? I'd say 90 days in purgatory. After getting cooked sufficiently you might be allowed to enter DBA's Heaven, if St. Mogens lets you in.

@Henrik (and other Danes, whether great or not): Let's keep this in english ;-)

GBA sagde ...

Good luck Jan (actually I you're very lucky). Could you provide a rss feed to follow this interesting idea?

Don sagde ...

Good luck! I should try something like this, although maybe at a slower pace so my family doesn't leave me.

I still have to finish reading Lewis' CBO book.